Wednesday, December 4, 2019


My interest in radio began as a boy listening to shortwave broadcasts on my grandfather’s old vacuum tube radio. As a young man, I enlisted in the military and became a communications specialist, running AM/SSB and FM radio networks.

In September 2000, I earned my Amateur Radio Technician license and was assigned call sign KD7KLA. I earned my General class license in December 2001, and enjoyed the hobby as a General class operator until my retirement in 2019, at which time I finally upgraded my license to Amateur Extra.

I enjoy anything that has to do with communications technology, and in addition to Amateur Radio, I operate GMRS Station WQZH909, MARS Affiliate Station AAR0MR (until 2010), as well as operating CB, FRS, MURS, and Network Radio. 

I am a member of:
  • International Morse Preservation Society FISTS CW Club # 8627
  • QRP Amateur Radio Club International # 11076
  • Ten-Ten International Net # 73237
  • PODXS 070 Club # 237

You can contact me about Amateur Radio via WinLink 2000.

Please QSL Direct.

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